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A member registered Apr 18, 2022

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yes, the game was frrr good I'm glad I played it, funny enough. The moment I saw your reply I was thinking AB that person. I needed to reread this comment lmao ty.

It's funny because, this is the conversation I needed to have with someone... that I chose not to have because it was safer. It wouldn't have ended like this, but if we could just take away all the anger, pain, confusion and talk we could understand why it came to be like this. But now they're on the other side of the country, and I feel safer. I shouldn't have to feel threatened... 

If I could answer why I stopped loving them, I guess I would say when did I really start?  We just met, we rushed into things, and it was so confusing. It was nice being loved... but it was too much. When they came into my house while I was asleep, and while I was unconscious "gave me affection" or when they had a meltdown because I was more focused on a teen suicide at school than them, I knew I had to get out. I never felt safe with them.... I wish it were different, and I wish I could have a more productive last conversation with them... but they're better left far away from me. 

I'm "sweet but aloof", I wrote them poems and I never gave any of them to that person. 

Anyways sorry to write this all out on a comment section of a game; It's hard talking about this in real life.